Impedance Transformer

May 2016

The purpose of the transformer is to present a ~650-Ohm input impedance to the antenna when connected to a 50-Ohm preamplifier, and minimize direct coupling between the antenna wires and preamplifier input. I tried several different cores and found that good parameters could be achieved with Amidon BN-73-202. The transformer shown below has 7 and 2 turns in the primary and secondary windings respectively, its impedance transformation ratio is 12.25. I tried two designs, with the leads leaving the core at the opposite sides and at the same side, but could not see any difference in performance.

Impedance transformer

Here is a frequency response of two such transformers, connected back to back and measured using HamVNA [502] .

Frequency response of two transformers connected back to back

The losses are about 0.5 dB per transformer on all HF bands. Two turns in the primary winding is the bare minimum for this core. I have also tried 1 : 4 turns, but the losses increased to 1.9 dB. More turns result in higher inter-winding capacitance, which for the 2:7 design was measured to be ~6 Pf.

The input impedance of the transformer with a 50-Ohm resistor across its secondary winding was about 550 Ohms, fairly flat across the HF bands:

Input impedance of the transformer loaded with 50 Ohms